Developing emotional literacy is at the heart of everything we do at TrinityLearning.  We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to feel valued, and the space to recognise and share their own feelings and ask for help when they need it. Our wide range of workshops, regular volunteer activities and packs aim to help everyone in busy school communities ‘find space for the spirit’. 

Thinking books trained volunteers mentor young children through shared reading and discussion of books. Books are carefully chosen and offer opportunities to help children to develop empathy by reflecting on their own and other people’s feelings. All volunteers receive bespoke training and are fully supported by TrinityLearning.

Click here to find out more about Thinking Books.

Toolkit for Happiness – a series of five workshops to enable children to learn about different strategies they can use to boost their own happiness, such as getting out into nature, doing exercise, helping others or feeling thankful.

Click here to find out more about Toolkit for Happiness

Wildlife Safari Walks – our local Wildlife Safari walks are designed to encourage families to get outside and explore nature together to improve wellbeing and mental health.

Click here to find out how we created our first walk and get maps and details for all four of our walks.

Prayer spaces – help children’s emotional literacy by providing them with simple mindful activities that give children time to think about themselves and their place in the world, and that can be used in the classroom or at home. School halls or libraries are transformed using gazebos and drapes and volunteers work with groups of 6-10 children. Workshops provided in the past include Peace, Remembrance and Love.

Bereavement Packs – are designed for children and/or those working with a bereaved child or young person. We have gathered resources and activities that have been recommended by bereavement specialists and adults who experienced bereavement as a child.

Help and Support for School staff – a regularly updated leaflet that includes mental health support links available locally and nationally for education staff.